Wednesday, June 14, 2006

One Laptop per Child project continued

Praise and criticism for the One laptop per Child project have been loudly proclaimed in equal doses. Is this appropriate technology or a simplistic transfer of Western hi-tech? Is it merely a Trojan Horse designed to sweep poor children into the maws of Western consumerism? Or, regardless of its developers’ motives, does the little device really have clear benefits as an educational tool? One key decision in the design is to use non-commercial software, ie. not Microsoft Windows. Bill Gates, true to form has openly attacked the project.
The prime ingredient for success and value for children might well turn on the influence the participating countries can exert on design and implementation. We’re bound to hear much more in the coming months.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it sparks wonder, I think it could be a good thing. I would like to believe it might foster enhanced communications - that could be good.
Proof is in the putting I guess!!

7:03 p.m.  

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